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(or how to escape madness by 'Teams' and 'Zoom')

Welcome to My Site; my new project aimed at seeing what I can do and how far I can go. Starting as an isolated Lockdown runner jogging 5km around the block, I've set my target for 2021 to run a 100km Ultra race- why not?!

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Marathon Meltdown

It's been a while - 4 months since Race to the King and they've been tricky months. Very shortly after my RTTK high I played a 5-a-side...

Type 2 fun.

I read the term 'Type 2 fun' first in Damian Hall's book, "In it for the Long Run" (recommended) and it stuck with me. It reminded me of...

Houston, we have a problem

Only my second post and it's maybe because I've been getting my head down and pushing on with training. Going back a year ago and there...

Running Man

I've thought about this for a while and for no real reason decided that today, whilst sitting in a team meeting discussing structural...

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